Hi. I need help with getting the text or string from the site https://www.verseoftheday.com/ , specifically the verse and the book.
It's been almost two years since my last experience with rainmeter and I totally forgot everything about it. I'm looking at the webparser tutorial but can't seem to understand almost everything in it. It says to get the <span> part of the code but I don't see any in the webparserdumb.text I got from the debugging. I don't know anything about coding but I think I can probably manage the font styles.
I hope somebody will notice. Thanks!

It's been almost two years since my last experience with rainmeter and I totally forgot everything about it. I'm looking at the webparser tutorial but can't seem to understand almost everything in it. It says to get the <span> part of the code but I don't see any in the webparserdumb.text I got from the debugging. I don't know anything about coding but I think I can probably manage the font styles.

I hope somebody will notice. Thanks!
Statistics: Posted by armaninyow — Today, 12:12 pm — Replies 3 — Views 47